Dwitcher Technology

Dwitcher Technologies

Let's automate the process you want.

Our team of diverse skillsets enables us to cater services across different functions in all organization.Staff Augmentation to corporate trainings and Recruitment services to project delivery and execution.


Winshuttle, Power Automate and Power Stack

AI Solutions

AI Soutions based on LLM and Chatgpt like bots.


BI Reporting in Power BI, Tableau and Domo. Advance Analytics with Predictive modelling. Data Transformation using SQL Excel and VBA Reporting,

What's More ? We Can Help You Succeed.

Sourcing Freelancing talents for niche talents. Staff Augmentation, Recruiting Partners

Execution and delivery of complex problem statements with comprehensive solutions. 

Problem Statement driven Solution Technical Consulting Solution designing. 

Industry standard training and development Automation in Winshuttle, Power Stack.

Get the best talent as Freelancers

Now you can avail the benefits of freelancing Talent with us on technologies like Winshuttle, Microsoft power Suite, Python Azure and many more