Assisting with Creating a Report in Evolve to Track Monthly Process Creation and Sorting by Market
We aim to enable administrators to view the monthly count of processes created for each solution on Evolve. Additionally, we want them to have the ability to sort these processes based on their respective markets (which corresponds to a field within the solution).
To facilitate this, I have already promoted the “market ID” field so that it can be utilized in the report. However, I am encountering difficulties in creating the report. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.
Works with Evolve 20.x
How too
Go to admin and reports create a new report then insert the below option:
select DateName(month,EOMonth(Procc.CreationDate))+’ ‘+ cast(Year(EOMonth(Procc.CreationDate))as nvarchar) as ‘Month’,
Procc.SolutionName as ‘Solution Name’,count(1)as ‘Number of process created’,mark.MarketId as ‘MarketId’
from RPT_ProcessReportingDetailsView Procc
join RPT_MarketSolution_LIC_APP_FOR mark
on mark.DataFileID= Procc.DataFileId
group by EOMONTH(Procc.CreationDate),Procc.SolutionName,mark.MarketId
Try this and replace RPT_MarketSolution_LIC_APP_FOR as your solution view name
you should be having the SQL view in the right panel. You can copy it and replace it in the query I provided:
The output would be like this: