This article outlines the potential underlying cause and provides a solution for a scenario in which email sending encounters an error with the message ‘Something went wrong :: javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response’ in EngageOne Digital Delivery (formerly E-Messaging).
Cause Problem:
E-Messaging encounters a failure to send emails due to an SMTP connection error, as evidenced by the corresponding log entries in the EngageOne Digital Delivery application:
<Datetime> [EM] ERROR [pool-<n>-thread-<m>] AbstractMessageSender.doSend(X) | Exception reading response <Datetime> [EM] ERROR [pool-<n>-thread-<m>] AbstractMessageSender.doSend(Y) | Something went wrong :: javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response
This could be caused if SMTP server was running over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), and SSL was not opted in the Gateway settings under EngageOne Digital Delivery user interface.
In the EngageOne Digital Delivery user interface, the ‘SSL’ checkbox has been activated in the Gateway settings. This configuration enables the usage of SSL for sending emails through the specified gateway.
In case issue remains unresolved, contact Client Support.