When opening EngageOne Designer using the default admin login credentials, the following error is returned:
Windows Event Viewer log error:
The login attempt for user ‘DOC1Login’ using SQL authentication failed. The server is configured for Windows authentication only. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
General Information:
Additional Info: ExceptionManager.MachineName: XXXMachineName ExceptionManager.TimeStamp: 29-08-2013 13:31:21 ExceptionManager.FullName: Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement, Version=6.0.1564.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null ExceptionManager.AppDomainName: BusObjService.exe ExceptionManager.ThreadIdentity: ExceptionManager.WindowsIdentity: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
- Exception Information:
Exception Type: G1.Wolf.Helpers.DataObjectException Sql:
— Get Major and Minor version Nos for a Repository (Format: Major.Minor) SELECT ISNULL(G_MAJOR.[Value], ‘0’) + ‘.’ + ISNULL(G_MINOR.[Value], ‘0’) FROM [Global] G_MAJOR ,[Global] G_MINOR WHERE G_MAJOR.[Name] = ‘MajorVersion’ AND G_MINOR.[Name] = ‘MinorVersion’
Database: DOC1_Repository MachineName: XXXMachineName CreatedDateTime: 29-08-2013 13:31:21 AppDomainName: BusObjService.exe ThreadIdentityName: WindowsIdentityName: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE Message: Exception in DataObject VersionChecker Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal TargetSite: Void ThrowExecuteException(System.Exception, G1.Wolf.DSL.DslCommand, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand) HelpLink: NULL Source: DSL
StackTrace Information:
at G1.Wolf.DSL.DataObject.ThrowExecuteException(Exception p_exception, DslCommand p_dslCommand, SqlCommand p_SqlCommand) at G1.Wolf.DSL.DataObject.ExecuteScalar(DslCommand p_dslCommand, Int32 iCommandTimeout) at G1.Wolf.DSL.VersionChecker.GetRepositoryVersionPrivate(String strRepositoryName) at G1.Wolf.DSL.VersionChecker.GetRepositoryVersion(String strRepositoryName) at G1.Wolf.DSL.VersionChecker.EnsureServerAndRepositoryVersionsMatchPrivate(DataObject dataObject) at G1.Wolf.DSL.VersionChecker.EnsureServerAndRepositoryVersionsMatch(DataObject dataObject) at G1.Wolf.DSL.DataObject.EnsureOpenConnection() at G1.Wolf.DSL.DataObject.BeginTransaction(TransactionControl p_transactionControl) at G1.Wolf.BSL.RepositoryInfo.GetDatabaseName()
- Exception Information:
Exception Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException Errors: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection Class: 14 LineNumber: 65536 Number: 18456 Procedure: Server: (local) State: 1 Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider ErrorCode: -2146232060 Message: The login attempt for user ‘DOC1Login’ failed. Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal TargetSite: Void ThrowIfCannotRetryToConnect(System.Exception) HelpLink: NULL
StackTrace Information:
at G1.Wolf.DSL.SqlProvider.ThrowIfCannotRetryToConnect(Exception exception) at G1.Wolf.DSL.DataObject.EnsureOpenConnection() at G1.Wolf.DSL.DataObject.ExecuteScalar(DslCommand p_dslCommand, Int32 iCommandTimeout.
The SQL Server is set to the default “Windows authentication only” mode, which is incompatible with the requirements of EngageOne Designer. Another potential cause is that the database is set to “Restricted User” instead of “MULTI_USER.”
Please refer to the EngageOne Designer Release Notes for more information:
Additional SQL Server Considerations: By default, EngageOne Designer requires SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, or 2014 to be configured in SQL Mixed Authentication mode. If you have a firewall in place, you need to ensure that the SQL Server ports are open. For distributed installations, it is important to enable the TCP/IP protocol on your Database Engine.
Configure the SQL Server for “SQL Mixed Authentication Mode“
If the database when restored shows “Restricted User” this need to be set to “MULTI_USER“, select the database involved, and from the highlighted parameter in the “options” drop down menu, change this to “MULTI_USER“:
Following the change to mixed mode and/or MULTI_USER, restart the SQL Services as well as the BusObjService (EngageOne Template Design Application Service in latest V6 releases) and then try to login to EngageOne Designer again.