You are currently viewing Limitations on Japanese Characters in Evolve/Studio Manager and Studio Application

Limitations on Japanese Characters in Evolve/Studio Manager and Studio Application


Restricted known Japanese Characters on Evolve/Studio Manager and Studio Application

㍉ ㌢ ㍍ ㌔㌖ ㌅ ㌳ ㍎㌃ ㌶ ㌘ ㌕㌧ ㍑ ㍊ ㌹㍗ ㌍ ㍂ ㌣㌦ ㌻ ㌫ ¥ヵ ヶ〴〵〲いヾヽ〕。〱〃ゞゝ、ヵ ゛゜〜…‥ヶ※〽*〓¥

There could be more characters that our application would not support, the shared list is known to us currently.

The characters are restricted with all the entities on application for eg: App name, Solution name, data file name, library name, group name, etc.

Works with Evolve /Studio Manager and Studio Application


Application does not support these Japanese characters due to some technical limitations such as sql collation, regex/api/xml issues.

Immediate Workaround:

Users are suggested to avoid using the restricted and similar characters.

Additional Information:

Links to other articles/documentation/screenshots/examples/attachments


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