You are currently viewing During the Upgrade from 20.0/20.1 to 20.2 GA/20.2.2: SAP Data API TXR run usage and Digital Access API TXR run usage reports are not getting generated by default.

During the Upgrade from 20.0/20.1 to 20.2 GA/20.2.2: SAP Data API TXR run usage and Digital Access API TXR run usage reports are not getting generated by default.


Customers upgrading from 20.0 GA/20.1 GA to 20.2 GA/20.2.2 may notice that the SAP Data API TXR run usage and Digital Access API TXR run usage reports are not automatically generated by default. To address this, the Global Admin or Reports Admin can manually create these reports under the Reports page of the Evolve Site – Admin App.

Works with Evolve20.2, Studio Manager 20.2


Please find the SQL Queries for the same.
Report Name – SAP Data API TXR run usage
SQL Query:

Report Name: Digital Access API TXR Run Usage

SQL Query: SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT DATEPART(Month, RPT_TransactionRoiView.ActivityDateTime) AS ‘Execution Month’, RPT_TransactionRoiView.Tag AS ‘Category’, SUM(RPT_TransactionRoiView.RecordsUploaded) + SUM(RPT_TransactionRoiView.RunErrors) AS ‘Records Uploaded’ FROM [dbo].[RPT_TransactionRoiView] WHERE OperationType = ‘Run’ AND ProcessSource = ‘PE_API’ GROUP BY DATEPART(Month, ActivityDateTime), [Tag] ORDER BY DATEPART(Month, ActivityDateTime) DESC


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